Sunday, 8 June 2014

49ers Who've Turned Heads in Offseason Workouts

The big news coming out of San Francisco is quarterback Colin Kaepernick's huge multiyear extension. With contract details pouring in, many have figured that this deal isn't what it seems. Though, it still has overshadowed a part of the offseason that few fans care for: OTAs.

Now, OTAs are considered watered-down versions of training camp. Some would argue that OTAs have always been watered-down. Then again, they're better than nothing.

If anything, OTAs offer a glimpse at what's to come in training camp. We could see a major injury or two (i.e. Michael Crabtree) or potential holdouts (i.e. Vernon Davis and Alex Boone), though the latter process has dropped dramatically in the last few years. Someone should inform Davis and Boone that holding out gets you nowhere, but I digress.

OTAs can also tell you about potential impact players. Though, this is more miss than hit.

For now, let's discuss five players who are turning heads in OTAs!

Begin Slideshow


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