Sunday, 1 February 2015

A novel acquired inv(2)(p23.3q24.3) with concurrent submicroscopic deletions at 2p23.3, 2p22.1, 2q24.3 and 1p13.2 in a patient with chronic thrombocytopenia and anemia

Thrombocytopenia can result from a wide range of conditions and may be determined by multiple mechanisms. It can be due to a reduced platelet production or an increased destruction of platelets. Increased destruction is seen in conditions such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and thrombotic microangiopathies, whereas decreased production is seen in bone marrow (BM) failure syndromes such as aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. In BM failure syndromes thrombocytopenia is often accompanied by anemia and/or leucopenia. Recognition of the cause of thrombocytopenia is often crucial for correct management of patients.Case presentationHere, we report on a 71?year-old male caucasian with thrombocytopenia since six years, and a recent development of anemia. At the time of progression with anemia a bone marrow sampling was done to examine for a possible causative myeloid malignancy. The morphological examination was normal whereas immunophenotyping by flowcytometry could not exclude myelodysplasia. Cytogenetic analysis by G-banding revealed a pericentric inversion of chromosome 2 in 23 out of 25 analyzed metaphases. The inversion was further characterized by molecular cytogenetics and high-resolution oligo-based array-CGH analysis. Together the analyses demonstrated a 141,8?Mb pericentric inversion, inv(2)(p23.3q24.3), and concurrent submicroscopic deletions in 2p23.3, 2p22.1, 2q24.3 and 1p13.2 between 0.6-1.9?Mb in size. Locus-specific FISH analyses confirmed all deletions and the pericentric inversion of chromosome 2. The chromosomal abnormalities were present in 87% of the bone marrow cells whereas analysis of a skin biopsy revealed a normal male karyotype as well as a normal array-CGH result. These findings demonstrate that the identified abnormalities were acquired.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of chronic thrombocytopenia and anemia associated with acquired inv(2)(p23.3q24.3) as a sole cytogenetic abnormality together with concurrent submicroscopic deletions at 2p23.3, 2p22.1, 2q24.3 and 1p13.2.


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